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SKU: 140103

Sensor clip 2 m

This sensor detects when the surgeon is using the electrosurgical pen by means of detecting the electrical current, which activates a signal to the Autostart box to open the valve.

The Autostart functionality is achieved when the user connects a sensor to the
electrosurgical pen, or to the cord of the neutral plate. This sensor detects when the surgeon is using the electrosurgical pen by means of detecting the electrical current, which activates a signal to the Autostart box to open the valve. When the surgeon stops the procedure and turns off the current of the electrosurgical pen, the On/Off-valve automatically closes. This means that the evacuation will only proceed when the surgeon is actively using the electrosurgical pen and is silent when not in use.
This functionality may also be achieved with an activation cable that is directly connected to the electrosurgical unit, if the electrosurgical unit contains an actively connected signal port which is 2.5 mm mono female.

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