Home | Products | Smoke Gas | Autostartbox set

SKU: 140100

Autostartbox set

Medicvent’s smoke evacuation system improves air quality without disrupting the operation.

Medicvent’s smoke evacuation system with an auto-start function is intended for use in diathermy or laser surgery. The system connects to the Medicvent Central System for evacuating smoke gases (or third-party systems that meet SS-ISO 16571:2014).

The evacuated gas is transported out of the operating room via the Medicvent Central System and then released into the external environment outside the hospital.

Medicvent’s smoke evacuation system with an auto-start function is intended for use in diathermy or laser surgery. The auto-start system enables easier control of suction flow and features an auto-start function. This auto-start function automatically opens the On/Off valve when the user activates the diathermy/laser and closes it when the diathermy/laser is not in use. This provides the user with a simpler way to control noise levels and automatically turn off the suction flow, contributing to a quieter and better work environment.

The auto-start box with accessories is an optional add-on for the Medicvent Central System (or equivalent) and cannot function independently. The auto-start box with accessories controls an existing flow and does not create its own.

The auto-start set includes:

140101 Auto-start box

140102 On/Off valve

140103 Sensor clamp or 100007 Signal cable for dampened diathermy port

140104-EU Power adapter EU

140105 Signal cable for solenoid valve

Refer to the manual for information on filters/adapters used for each application.

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